Social Southern Creative- Real Estate Marketing Insights

Secrets to Finding Niche Content in Real Estate: It's Easier Than You May Think!

Stephanie & Nina Season 1 Episode 22

Are you a real estate professional looking to boost your marketing game? Well, get ready to debunk some common myths about finding and addressing niche topics in real estate.

Myth #1: Niche marketing is only for large real estate companies.
Myth #2: Niche topics are too restrictive and limit your client pool.
Myth #3: Niche marketing is time-consuming and ineffective. Stay tuned as I reveal the truth behind these myths and share strategies that will attract more potential clients in your niche.

Timestamped summary of this episode:
00:00:02 - Introduction,
Stephanie introduces the podcast and discusses the importance of standing out in the real estate industry.

00:01:09 - The Power of Niche Content,
Stephanie explains the concept of niche content and why it's essential in today's oversaturated market. She highlights the two main reasons agents don't post niche content: not knowing what to post and the required research.

00:02:24 - Finding Niche Content on Facebook Groups,
Stephanie and Nina discuss Facebook Groups as a valuable source for finding niche content. They explain how real estate professionals can join relevant groups and use the questions asked by group members to create targeted content.

00:04:38 - Answering Questions from Facebook Groups,
The hosts share a question from a real estate agent living in a new construction neighborhood. They provide advice on capturing potential buyers before they visit the sales office, debunking a wild suggestion and offering practical strategies like leveraging local businesses and enlisting the help of neighbors.

00:08:33 - Leveraging Social Media for Lead Generation,
Stephanie and Nina discuss the power of social media for lead generation. They emphasize the importance of creating engaging content and leveraging platforms like Instagram Reels and Canva to reach a wider audience. They provide tips on using niche content to create conversation starters and spark interest in potential clients.

00:12:28 - Don't be Spooked by Low Follower Count,
The hosts discuss the importance of not being discouraged by a low follower count when hiring a content creator.

00:12:40 - Communicating Price Adjustments to Sellers,
The hosts share their advice on how to communicate with sellers about reducing the price of a listing, suggesting the use of trigger points and evidence-based conversations.

00:14:30 - Creative Ways to Promote a Listing,
The hosts jokingly mention a Facebook suggestion to target sellers with ads to make them think their house is being promoted. They then offer more practical advice, such as hosting a broker's party and obtaining feedback from other agents.

00:16:10 - Managing Time and Resources for Video Production,
The hosts emphasize the importance of time blocking and planning ahead for video production. They also suggest hiring a video editor if necessary and leveraging existing written content to create reels.

00:19:00 - Wrapping Up and Future Plans,
The hosts conclude the episode by discussing their upcoming plans, including Stephanie's trip to Colorado and the start of Henry's school. They reflect on the challenges and lessons learned from their summer break.

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