Social Southern Creative- Real Estate Marketing Insights

Keeping Your Marketing In-House: Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Stephanie & Nina

You've been told to follow the latest marketing trends and hop on every platform out there to see results, right? But the truth is, it's left you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. You're not alone in feeling this way. Many small business owners and solopreneurs have experienced the same frustration. It's time to break free from the noise and confusion of traditional marketing advice. Let's uncover a simpler and more effective approach to in-house marketing strategies that will work for your unique business. Let's dive in and discover a strategy that's tailored to your needs and goals. Get ready to take the first step towards a more streamlined and successful marketing plan.

Stephanie and Nina 

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:02 - Introduction to Real Estate Marketing Insights 

00:01:26 - Overcoming Marketing Challenges 

00:07:40 - The Power of Authenticity in Branding 

00:09:47 - Getting Started with In-House Marketing 

00:12:22 - Authenticity and Comfort on Social Media Platforms 

00:13:18 - Expanding Social Media Reach 

00:15:07 - Intentional Research Time 

00:20:28 - Running Marketing Like a Department 

00:23:50 - Establishing Pillars for Your Business 

00:24:15 - Capturing Content and Content Calendar 

00:26:24 - Developing Content Creation Skills 

00:27:43 - Scheduling Posts for Efficiency 

00:30:05 - Essential Tips for Video Content 

00:35:12 - Embracing Automation 

00:35:28 - Authenticity and Consistency 

00:36:50 - Leveraging Trends 

00:37:11 - Piggybacking on Viral Content 

00:41:11 - Avoiding Information Overload 

00:46:31 - Finding Your Creative Outlet 

00:47:12 - Personal Inspiration and Encouragement 

00:48:09 - Teaching Henry PI 

00:47:00 - Seeking Guidance and Support 

00:49:15 - Conclusion and Farewell 

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